Tuesday, June 7, 2016

I'm taking what?

Yesterday, for the first day in 120 straight days, I took a rest day. No running, bootcamp, personal training, cross-training or even a long walk. It's been a good stretch... and looking back, it's been a tiring stretch. I've had tunnel vision since February 7th when I started this stretch. My sister sent me this little colouring page for a visual of my activity and it's what really started my 100 days of activity.

Being the OCD and over achieving person that I am, I not only saw a challenge of 100 days of activity but took it to mean 100 days straight. Once I get excited about something, I love to tell people about it.. so naturally, I told my sister know about my commitment of seeing this through, my trainer friend, my friends oh- and all of my Facebook people since I posted it there when I started. So I was off to the races- February 7th I started my 100 day goal. For the first 3 weeks, my activity ranged from bootcamp or personal training with my super fabulous trainer to a long walk, an hour of yoga or a cardio session at the gym. 

At the end of February my previously mentioned super fabulous trainer gave me a training schedule to prepare myself for running 5k. In the past, I've done several 5k races and even one 10k, but this time I knew I was ready to commit to it and become an actual runner. For 3 months, I followed that training schedule to a T. 
I may have bumped a run back by a day, but I haven't missed one day on that schedule. And that is something that I've become so proud of. So between running, bootcamp, personal training, yoga, walks and cardio sessions... there has been no shortage of activity. There were days where I felt like being a bump on a log but they seemed to be the same days where people on Facebook would message me to see how many days in I was and if I was still doing it. 
I felt like if I took a single day of rest, it would mean I was cheating and wouldn't have accomplished the goal..therefore I would have to start at day 1 again. 

Throughout the 100 days, I had several people say to me... you know.. you CAN take a day off... you aren't a superhero... you don't NEED to be super active EVERY day. Even athletes training for the Olympics have a rest day in their routine. They're right... I'll admit it, But I feel like I can defend myself by saying... some of those days were a leisurely walk for 30 minutes- not all of them were intense workouts.

So this past weekend for activity was no busier than other weekends. Friday I had a personal training session, Saturday my brother, sister-in-law and I hit softballs for an hour, Sunday I ran 5k and did a 40 minute bootcamp. Sidenote -->The 5k on Sunday was my first official race not just of 2016, but the first one for me in 3 full years. I put it all out there for that run... the adrenaline was pumping with people cheering me on, not to mention the friendly competition that was happening. I'm happy to report that putting it all out there resulted in me getting a personal best. I couldn't be happier. More to come on that run in a future post.  

Anyway- when I got out of bed on Monday... something felt different... I was sore from the multitude of weekend workouts, but more than being sore- my entire body was so tired. It wasn't the normal sleepy tired I feel on Mondays, it was an overwhelming feeling of complete exhaustion. I was spent... and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Throughout the work day I thought... oh I can still get my run in tonight, or at least a good walk. And I flip flopped all day on whether or not I was going to be active that evening. When I got home after our Sparks year end party, I flopped on the couch and was proud to announce that I wasn't going to do anything for the rest of the night. This even happened

and for any loyal FitBit wearers out there, you know how dramatic this is. I took my FitBit Charge HR OFF! And it's staying off until Wednesday morning when my break is over.

It's Tuesday night and I've stuck to my plan of 2 'rest' days. I must say, I feel SO much better than I did on Monday morning. Tomorrow I will be back at it with a 5k run and 40 minute bootcamp!

1 comment:

  1. You're awesome. And I'm so proud of you and all of your hard work!
